Year of St Joseph
An Invitation from
Bishop da Cunha
About the Year of St Joseph
Just as Catholics use the Liturgical Calendar to guide our worship, Popes can set aside time for the Church to celebrate and meditate upon a certain teaching or belief.
On Dec 8, 2020, Pope Francis declared a Year to St Joseph until Dec 8, 2021 in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of St Joseph being named Patron of the Universal Church by Pope Pius IX.
Diocesan Events

Living the Year of St Joseph
Virtual talk with Fr Donald Calloway, MIC
Tuesday, Mar 2 at 7 pm EST
Fr Donald Calloway, MIC, a prominent Marian priest, exhibits an unmistakable zeal for the priesthood and devotion to Our Lady. He is a well-known conference speaker on Divine Mercy and the Blessed Virgin Mary. He speaks passionately about these topics in his moving conversion story. He is author of the book Consecration to St Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father (English) (Spanish). Fr Calloway spoke on how we can live this year as a prequel to the Diocesan Consecration to St Joseph, with preparation for the consecration beginning on Mar 30.

Solemnity of St Joseph
Mass with Bishop Edgar M da Cunha, SDV
Friday, Mar 19 at 7 pm EST
Bishop Edgar M da Cunha, SDV celebrated Mass at the Cathedral of St Mary of the Assumption in Fall River for the Solemnity of St Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

33 Day Preparation for the Consecration to St Joseph
March 30 - May 1, 2021
Bishop da Cunha led individuals in praying the Consecration to St Joseph on May 1, the Feast of St Joseph the Work, after completing the 33 day preparation beginning March 30. Below are materials on the Consecration to St Joseph. If you have not yet completed the Consecration, but would like to, click below for additional Consecration dates.

Feast of St Joseph the Worker
Mass with Bishop Edgar M da Cunha, SDV
Saturday, May 1 at 10 am EST
Bishop Edgar M da Cunha, SDV celebrated Mass at St Joseph Chapel in Woods Hole, MA (the second Church built on the Cape and first dedicated to St Joseph) for the Feast of St Joseph the Worker, which included the Consecration to St Joseph.
Holy Hour for the Year of St Joseph
St Joseph Church, Fall River
Tuesday, Jun 8 at 6 pm EST
On the Tuesday after the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, Fr Jay Mello - Pastor of St Michael and St Joseph Parishes, led a Holy Hour at St Joseph Parish in honor of the Year of St Joseph.

Adoration & Family Movie Night
Holy Family Parish, East Taunton
Monday, Jul 12 at 7 pm EST
On the Feast of St Louis and Zelie, families gathered at the Holy Family Parish Center (370 Middleboro Avenue, East Taunton, MA 02718) for Adoration and viewing of PRAY the Film.

Meet Your Spiritual Father
Virtual talk with Dr Mark Miravalle
Saturday, Aug 21 at 1 pm EST
Dr Mark Miravalle earned his Sacred Theological Doctorate at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. He holds the Saint John Paul II Chair of Mariology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he has been teaching since 1986. Dr Miravalle is the founder and senior editor of Ecce Mater Tua, an international journal of Mariology research and president of the International Marian Association. Well known throughout the world for his lectures on Mariology, Dr Miravalle has addressed several episcopal conferences, including those of South India, Nigeria, Venezuela, and Costa Rica.
Dr. Miravalle has spoken at numerous international conferences and has appeared on EWTN, National Public Radio, and BBC. He is the author of the book Meet Your Spiritual Father: An Introduction to St. Joseph (English).

Practical Ideas for Family Faith
Virtual talk with Katie Warner
Wednesday, Oct 6 at 7 pm EST
Katie Warner is a Catholic wife, homeschooling mom, and author who loves creating and sharing resources for Catholic families. Katie received her graduate degree in theology from the Augustine Institute and is a Catholic speaker, an EWTN TV segment host, and a correspondent for the National Catholic Register. Katie is the author of Head & Heart: Becoming Spiritual Leaders for Your Family (English) as well as several prayer journals and bestselling Catholic children’s books. She is also the part-time Communication Manager for the national evangelization apostolate, Catholics Come Home. Katie, her husband Raymond, and their four young children live in Georgia.
Book Recommendations
I. Period of Evangelization and PrecatechumenateThis first stage is called the period of inquiry. This is when an individual first expresses interest in becoming a Catholic, and begins to explore, with the help of the parish community, to discern his or her relationship with Christ and how this can be deepened by joining the Catholic Church. Once a non-baptized individual discerns to enter the RCIA process, they celebrate Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens. This is a liturgical rite in which the inquirer states publicly that he or she wants to become a baptized member of the Catholic Church. The Church, through the local parish community affirms this desire to follow God's call. Once celebrating this rite, the non-baptized are referred to as catechumens. For candidates who have already been baptized and are seeking full communion in the Catholic Church, this step is called the Rite of Welcomingthe Candidate.
II. Period of CatechumenateThis second stage is an extended period which normally lasts one year or longer. This is a time of formation and education based on Sacred Scripture and the Tradition of the Catholic Church. “The length of the catechumenate period will depend on the grace of God and on various circumstances… Nothing, therefore, can be settled a priori [that is, beforehand]. The time spent in the catechumenate should be long enough – for the conversion and faith of the catechumens to become strong” (RCIA Source Book #76).
III. Period of Purification and EnlightenmentThis stage coincides with the liturgical season of Lent. It is a time of reflection, prayer, and intense spiritual preparation rather than a time of catechetical instruction. A Lenten retreat is offered during this period. During this time, catechumens celebrate several rites: The Rite of Election, or Enrollment of Names, coincides with the beginning of Lent and is celebrated by the Bishop at the cathedral church of the Diocese. The Rite includes the official enrollment of names of all those seeking baptism at the Easter Vigil. At this Rite the catechumens publicly request baptism and declare their desire to make a faith commitment to Jesus in the Catholic Church. After this Rite, they are referred to as the elect. The Scrutinies are three public celebrations during the Period of Purification in which the elect are invited to progress in their perception of sin and their desire for salvation. These are celebrated at the local parish church. While candidates for full communion do not celebrate neither the Rite of Election nor the Scrutinies, they do celebrate The Call to Continuing Conversion, celebrated by the Bishop at the cathedral church of the Diocese.
IV. Period of MystagogyCatechumens celebrate of the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil, which has been done since the beginnings of the Church. Through this step the elect are admitted into the people of God. Candidates are received into full communion through the sacraments of confirmation and Eucharist during the Easter season. For pastoral reasons, candidates may also celebrate during the Easter Vigil. At this time the newly initiated explore their experience by being fully initiated through participation in the Sunday Eucharist. The period is marked by actively living a life of charity, service and love. Mystagogy is a lifelong process, one that all Christians are engaged in, as we all work to deepen our sense of what it means to be a Christian.