Advent Playlist
Videos on Advent
Ascension Press
Rejoice! Advent video series (free) and devotional book (for purchase)
Catholic Brain
Advent Program, videos, activities
Catholic Icing
10 Meaningful Advent Traditions for Families
Catholic Sprouts
Access Free Resource Library (Family Advent Devotional for purchase)
Celebrate the Feasts
A free e-guide by Katie Warner, including ideas on celebrating Advent & Christmas
Dynamic Catholic
Free Daily Advent Experience
Girlfriends Podcast - Ascension Press
Easy Advent ideas for busy Moms
Holy Heroes
Advent Adventures for kids
Las Posadas - A Guide
Explanation and guide for celebrating Las Posadas tradition
Las Posadas - Virtual
Offered by the Ignatian Solidarity Network from Dec 16-24
Weekly Gospel reflections for teens
Loyola Press
Free Advent Resources
Mary on the Mantel - Be a Heart Blog
Advent activity/game for kids
Parousia Media
Free, virtual Advent pilgrimage
Spotify - Advent
Advent music playlist by the McGrath Institute at Notre Dame
Spotify - Josh Garrels Christmas
Advent & Christmas music playlist by Josh Garrels and the Branches
Strong Catholic Family Faith
Free Advent activities, prayers, and Saint resources for families
The Leadership Institute
Free printable Advent Family Calendar
The Vigil Project
Catholic music for Liturgical Seasons
Free Advent calendar, blessings, prayers, and video reflections